Motiva is one of the most frequently chosen brand of breast implants. Both patients and surgeons prefer Motiva for its advantages.
The best thing about Motiva is that it combines the benefits of both round shaped, and teardrop shaped impalnts. The implant changes shape according to the direction of gravity, so it moves along with your body as you move. It is designed to mimic the shape and movement of natural breast tissues as closely as possible.
The exterior of the surface has patented name called SilkSurface, which is somewhere between textured and smooth surface of cohesive gel. The SilkSurface texture and the improved durability of the material enables the implant material to be inserted with shorter incisional line.
You can choose the shape and type of Motiva implant according to your needs.
Motiva implants are distributed in over 60 countries worldwide, and only provided to approved surgeons with experience and recognition. Dr. Yoon Wonjune is a registered surgeon with Motiva.
Mammoplasty (surgical procedures to enhance the appearance of the breasts) at Migo are done by Dr. Yoon, Won June. Dr. Yoon is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in mammoplasty, who has honed his skill in the field for more than 17 years. He is always in search of more innovative and safe method of surgeries.

Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Adjunct Profession, School of Medicine, Ajou University
Member, the USA Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Executive Drector, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Listed Director, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Lifetime Member, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Full Member, the Korean society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Full Member, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Mediator of the Korea Consumer Agency
Editing Member of the Archives of Plastic Surgery
Operation Committee Member of the Breast Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
Operation Committee Member of the Fat Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
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