[Testimonial] Simple, and Painless Procedure Renewed My Confidence (Breast Augmentation with Endoscopy)

"After putting up with so much stress and self doubt, I left from China to get breast augmentation surgery at Migo Clinic in Seoul, Korea. My problem was having small breasts and chubby figure at the same time. It made my body and arms look even bigger. To cover this, I would only wore boxy clothes during the summer. I gained so much confidence after the surgery. My new body flatters any type of clothes I wear. It even lead me to have a higher self esteem. Thanks to HD endoscopic surgical method, I did not experience excessive bleeding, pain, swelling and bruises. The procedure I had at Migo took care of size, texture and shape to deliver firmness and balance. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Yoon Wonjune for the change he has brought to my life." - L. 


*Testimonials are written by satisfied patients who had procedures done at Migo.

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