[Patient Diary] Revisional Breast Augmentation with Motiva Implants (1 Year Later)

Revisional procedures can be one of the most challenging operations to perform. In this series of blogposts of Patient Diary, we're going to share the recovery progress of a patient who had a revisional breast augmentation procedure using Motiva implants. Motiva is a brand name for novel breast implant materials that closely mimics the shape, texture, and movement of natural breasts.  They come with embedded microchips to enable effective quality management. The implants were inserted by transauxilary method (through the armipit). The size of the implants were 315 cc on each side.The surgery was performed by Dr. Yoon Wonjune.


Asymmetrical appearance with dent in the middle is observed. This can be the result of previously failed surgery.

<1 Year Later>

Thanks to correct diagnosis, and skillful operation by Dr. Yoon, the symmetry and firmness of the breasts have been restored.  They look full, smooth and realistic.

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