[Patient Diary] Revisional Rhinoplasty (Nasal Septum and Nose Tip) for Male Patient (2 Months Later)

This series of blogposts of Patient Diary shows pictures of the recovery progress of a male patient who had a revisional rhinoplasty procedure. This procedure included nasal septum, and nose tip correction, using silicone, and ear cartilage. The surgery featured in this post was performed by Dr. Kang Euntaek.


The previous rhinoplasty procedure did not consider the balance with the rest of the face. When viewed from the side, it is easy to tell that it is the long nose bridge that causes the disproportionate appearance. The patient was concerned with "evil" and prematurely aged image formed by the long nose bridge.

<2 Months Later>

More swelling has reduced compared to the previous month.  Significant amount of swelling will subside until the third month after the surgery. No visible scarring can be found on the face, or ears.

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