[Patient Diary] Deviated Septum and Nose Tip Correction for Male Patient (Right After the Surgery)

This series of blogposts of Patient Diary shows pictures of the recovery progress of a male patient who had deviated septum, and nose tip correction while heightening the nose bridge with silicone, and ear cartilage. Often times, septum cartilage is used for autologous rhinoplasty procedures. It was impossible in this patient's case however, because his septum cartilage was deviated. While improving the aesthetic aspect of the nose, Dr. Kang has also corrected the deviation, which made breathing much more comfortable for him. 


<Right After the Surgery>

The nose and the nostrils are covered  with anti bacterial bandage. They will come off in about 3 days. The cotton soaked in antiseptic solution underneath the nostrils can come off the next day. Swelling may get worse up to about 3 days after the surgery.

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