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[Patient Diary] Hooked Nose and Deviated Septum Correction (11 Months and 2 Weeks Later)
This series of blogposts of Patient Diary shows pictures of the recovery progress of a patient who had a hooked nose with deviated septal cartilage. This patient experienced functional difficulty caused by the nose as well as being unhappy with the hooked appearance of the nose. The surgery featured in this post was performed by Dr. Kang Euntaek.

The hooked appearance on the nose bridge is big enough for anyone to notice. While she was in our clinic for a consultation, she found out that her septal cartilage was deviated, which caused her difficulty breathing.
<11 Months and 2 Weeks Later>
The nose has almost completely situated itself on the face. Symmetrical, straight and proportionate nose make the face to stand out more.
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