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[Patient Diary] Epicanthoplasty and Non-Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery (3 Months Later)
In this series of blogpost of Patient Diary, we're going to share the experience of a patient, who had epicanthoplasty, and non incisional double eyelid surgery procedures at Migo. This post will present the pictures of the patient before, and two months and two weeks after the surgery.The surgery was performed by Dr. Ko Hanwoong.

Although the size of the eyes themselves are not small, the epicanthal fold covering the inner corner makes the eyes appear smaller, and make the space between the eyes more distant.
<3 Months Later>

At 3 months, it is safe to assume that this is the shape that is going to last permanently more or less. Thanks to suture technique, the creases look thin, and natural like they were her own from the beginning.
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