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[Patient Diary] Breast Augmentation with Motiva Implants (2 Weeks Later)
In this series of blogposts of Patient Diary, we're going to share the recovery progress of a patient who had an augmentation procedure using Motiva implants. Motiva is a brand name for novel breast implant materials that closely mimics the shape, texture, and movement of natural breasts. They come with embedded microchips to enable effective quality management. The implants were inserted by transauxilary method (through the armipit). The size of the implants were 290cc on each side.The surgery was performed by Dr. Yoon Wonjune.

Small breasts with slightly sunken appearance on the side.
<2 Weeks Later>

Thanks to the precise separation of tissues enabled by endoscopic method, breast augmentation procedure in our clinic has become convenient without needing external blood bag, and leaves significantly less pain than the conventional approach. Although cases of pain are very rare, some patients feel heaviness and foreign body sensation caused by the implants. As time goes by, this will go away and you will forget that you have ever underwent a surgery procedure.
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