[Patient Diary] Low Profile Motiva Implants for Sagging Breasts (4 Months Later)

In this series of Patient Diary, we're going to share the experience of a patient who had breast augmentation using low profile cohesive-gel implants from Motiva. Motiva is a registered brand name for cohesive gel implants for breast augmentation. They render realistic appearance, texture, and come in various shapes and sizes. The surgery was performed by Dr. Yoon Wonjune. 



Sagging was the main concern of this patient. She wanted a result where there wasn't a drastic change of size, yet lifted appearance of the breasts. We have recommended low profile Motiva implant to suit the patient's need.

<4 Months Later>

By 4 months, the patient doesn't have to wear sports bras anymore. She went shopping, and bought herself a new pair of bras for her new size.

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