In this series of blogpost of Patient Diary, we're going to share the experience of a patient, who had incisional double eyelid, lateral canthoplasty (opening of the back end of the eyes), and eyelid fat removal procedures at Migo. This post will present the pictures of the patient before, and 1 month and 2 weeks after the surgery.The surgery was performed by Dr. Ko Hanwoong.
Eyebags on the lower lid are caused by excessive fat tissues on the lower lid area. The patient already has double eyelid, but this can be fixed easily with surgical procedures. She also decided to have lateral canthoplasty to elongate the eyes horizontally.
<1 Months and 2 Weeks Later>
Although recovery until one month after the surgery was pretty slow, the patient has recovered significantly within 2 weeks afterwards. Notice that the eyebrow furrow is completely gone. All stitches are removed and the patient is free to wear makeup at this point.
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