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[Niche Procedures]Youthful Look with Mouth Corner Lift
Many patients get numerous surgical, and non surgical procedures to cope with aging, including facelift, botox, and filler injections. However, they often forget this one simple procedure that can make a dramatic difference. That tiny procedure, is mouth corner lift.
When the mouth corner is facing downwards, the muscle around the mouth corner is also saggy and so are the skin tissues on the surrounding area. This is prone to create aged appearance. Lifting the mouth corner lifts up the surrounding skin and muscle simultaneously, which contributes to creating youthful look.
Mouth corner lift can be a simple procedure that makes a tiny alteration on the face. However, it can easily be one of the most demanding procedures, because it requires high precision, and attention to detail.
Surgery Information:
within 1 hour
local anesthesia
same day discharge
stitch removal in 5 to 7 days
mouth corner lift procedures at Migo are performed by Dr. Kang Euntaek. Dr. Kang is a board certified plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience in plastic surgery from having performed more than hundreds of cases. He has a published study, titled " Corrective Rhinoplasty for Deviated Nose a new Osteotomy Technique" , and has collaborated on many academic and medical articles. Dr. Kang is currently an adjunct professor in the department of plastic surgery at Ewha Women's University Medical Center.

Adjunct Professor, Department of Plastic surgery, Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Participated in a medical cooperation for a patient with facial deformation with LA Shriners Hospital
Trained at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Full member, the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Life member, the Korean Society of plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Full member, the Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
Full Member, the Koran Association of Plastic Surgeons
Full Member, the International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Ethical Committee Member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
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