[Testimonial] It's Been 5 Months Since Non-Inicisional Ptosis Correction, and I'm Loving It!

     "The coordinator that consulted me at Migo recommended me to get ptosis correction when I visited for the first time. At that time though, I was so fixated on suture double eyelid, so I decided to go with it. The lines kept falling. I got tired of getting revisional surgeries that I finally decided to listen to my coordinator and get a non-incisional ptosis correction.

5 months later, I'm happy I did. I can feel that my eyelid muscles are strong enough to hold themselves up. Now nobody tells me I look sleepy anymore. I used to get stressed out about sleepy looking eyes, but now I'm happy and confident whenever I do.

Dr. Ko offered me to visit 2 months later for a check up, but I couldn't because of things I had to do. Thank you Migo for following up on me after the procedure. :)" - LY

*Testimonials are written by satisfied patients who had procedures done at Migo.

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