[Non-Surgical Procedures] Youthful and Firm Skin with Filler Injections

Filler refers to a material directly injected into the skin using a syringe to create a desired effect. At Migo, we use authentic Restylane product (product serial number provided upon request). The effect lasts up to one year. 


Targeted areas for the procedure include lower eyelid, nose (to heighten without surgical procedure), nasolabial folds, lips, receded chin, front cheekbone, and middle of forehead.

Filler injection is a non surgical procedure that takes a short time to finish (up to 10 minutes per targeted area). At Migo, we only use FDA and KFDA approved filler materials. If you would like, ask your surgeon for the serial number of the product used.

For any questions and comments, please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001). We will be here to reply!
