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[Body Sculpting] A Quick Help for Your Beach Body - Liposuction (Part 2)
In the previous posting, we talked about abdominal liposuction as a procedure to lose persistent fat in an unwanted area. Today we're going to talk about thigh liposuction, which is applied in another area where we tend to accumulate unwanted fat and cellulite. Liposuction procedure on the thighs can significantly improve the texture of the skin while suctioning out the fat cells.

The surgical technique and procedure for liposuction, also known as "lipoplasty" or "suction lipectomy," has significantly improved in the last ten years. Today, plastic surgeons can choose from a number of techniques for patients to deliver desirable results and faster recovery time. Liposuction can help removing stubborn areas of fat, as well as excessive amount of it that are difficult to get rid of with traditional methods, such as dieting and exercising.
There are four things that make Migo's liposuction procedure stand out:
Removal of sufficient fat tissues to prevent rebound.
Personally, and safely administered general anesthesia by a full-time, in-house anesthesiologist.
Done in 360 degrees to render evenly toned, symmetrical shape.
Minimal pain, swelling, and bruising, which leads to short recovery time.

Sometimes, surgeons may recommend hip lifting along with liposuction for the thighs, because excessive fat in the hip area makes the leg look shorter with saggy appearance of the hips. This case is remedied by transferring the fat of the upper side of the hips to make the legs look longer while lifting the hips.

We hope that this post was helpful to you in learning more about liposuction procedures for the thighs. Please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (, or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001), for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to reply!
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