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[Eyes: Lower Blepharoplasty] Eye Bag Removal
Severe eye bags and wrinkles can be corrected by removing or rearranging the fat on the lower eyelids. This procedure is suitable for people who have difficulty getting rid of eye bags by conventional methods, and for those who have deep wrinkles underneath the eyes. It can also be done to remove severe, and persistent dark circles.
There are two approaches to this procedure:
Suturing after making incision underneath the eyelash, and removing the fat.
For droopy lower eyelid with protruding fat pouch:
Incision through the inside of the eyelid, and removing/rearranging the fat pouch and fixing it onto the periosteum to make the texture even.
You may consider eye bag removal if you:
Have saggy lower eyelids
Are concerned with severe dark circles
Have protruding eye bags
Eye bag removal procedures at Migo are performed by Dr. Ko Hanwoong. Dr. Ko will consult the patient one by one, and determine the shape and design that will complement and enhance the rest of the face, as well as the best suited surgical method for each individual patient. He is a board certified surgeon with +10 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries. He has published four studies, and is a clinical professor at Korea University Medical School. Dr. Ko regularly attends international medical and academic seminars to keep up with the ever evolving technologies in plastic surgery.

Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Master’s Degree, Department of Plastic, Korea University
Adjunct Professor Department of Plastic Surgery, Korea University
Life member of Society of Plastic Surgery
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Membership
Plastic Surgery physicians Council member for
Member of Anti-Aging Society Korea
Member of Anti-Aging Society U.S.A
Professor, Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
One’s doctor of 365 Health, KBS
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