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[Patient Diary] Revisional Rhinoplasty (Part 1)
In this series of blogposts of Patient Diary, we're going to share the recovery progress of a patient who had a rhinoplasty revision at Migo. This post will present pictures from before, and up to the next day after the surgery.
Having had the experience of a failed previous surgery, this patient was extremely cautious in choosing a clinic for her revisional surgery. Even during the time she was at the hospital, she was doubtful, which was understandable. However, she was grateful to Dr. Kang after the surgery, as with many of our other patients who had revisional rhinoplasty at Migo.

<Right After the Surgery>

Due to the protective gauze underneath the nose, patients who had rhinoplasty procedure can only breathe through the mouth until the next day when they can remove it. This patient also, reported to us that she experienced some discomfort from having to breathe through the mouth.
<The Next Day>

Finally on the next day, the protective gauze came off, and she was back to breathing through her nose.
Stay tuned for surprising results of this patient's revisional rhinoplasty.
We hope that sharing this patient's experience of revisional rhinoplasty will be helpful to you. Please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (, or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001), for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to reply!
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