[Patient Diary] Hooked Nose and Deviated Septal Cartilage Correction Recovery Progress (Part 3)

   In this blogpost of Patient Diary, we will show you the recovery progress Yangyang on the third and fourth day of her hooked nose correction.

   Yangyang felt slight discomfort on the third day, because the swelling on her face was most severe on that day. However, you will be able to see on the pictures of the fourth day - it has started to subside significantly, and a lot of the bruises and redness on her face also disappeared.

<the third day after the surgery>

<the fourth day after the surgery- note the significantly decreased swelling, redness, and bruising>

Lastly, as promised on the last posting, here are some pictures of Seoul Yangyang took, while recovering. She has mentioned one of the reasons why she chose our clinic was the availability of cheap flight tickets from Beijing to Seoul. Also, there are various options for lodging near our clinic - you can go from ultra luxury to simple, budget accomodation.

Here are some pictures she took inside our clinic:


We hope that sharing Yangyang's experience was helpful to you. Please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001),  for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to reply!
