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Migo Clinic Plastic Surgery - We Are Always Ready for Safe Surgery Procedures
As mentioned in many previous posts, safety is the utmost priority at Migo Clinic. Our clinic had no medical accident in the last 18 years. In this blogpost, we'd like to talk about the preventative measures our surgeons take in order to prevent, or cope with any unexpected situations as they arise.

Plastic surgery procedures come with many variables. Anything could go wrong during a surgery session. As with any surgery procedures, anesthesia is often used in plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Park So Jin, our in-house anesthesiologist at Migo, monitors, and directs safe usage of anesthesia. She is ready to handle any related incidents or emergencies.

Here is a brief profile of Dr. Park:
Specialist, Korean Division of
Bachelor’s Degree, School of
Medicine, Dankook University
Anesthesiologist, Department of Anesthesiology, Korea University
Master’s Degree, Department of Anesthesiology, Korea University
Doctor’s Degree, Department of Anesthesiology, Korea University
Former) Lead doctor, Department of
Anesthesiology, Seoul Asan Hospital
Former) Assistant Professor of Ulji Hospital
Full Member of the Korean
Association of Pain Medicine Doctors
Our clinic is prepared with EMS equipment, such as difilibrillator. We also keep Dantrolen, which is used to treat malignant hyperthermia that can occur as a rare side effect to anesthesia. Not many plastic surgery clinics carry this medicine, but we'd rather be prepared.

Through this posting, we wanted to share how much care we put into safety at Migo.If you have any more questions, please leave
comments in the comment box below, email us (, or
contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001),
for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to
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