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[Facial Contouring] Real Story: Ji-yeon's Full Face Makeover
Ji-yeon was never confident with her appearance ever since she was a teen. She always made double eyelid using glue. She wasn't happy with the dull, bulbous looking nose. What she didn't like the most was the big cheekbones, and square like jawline.

In contrast to the overtly developed cheekbones and the jawline, her chin was short, so it made her face look disproportionately big. No matter how much effort she would make to lose weight, the size of her face would never reduce. She found herself losing more and more confidence because of her appearance. Then finally one day, she decided to go through a full face makeover at Migo.

Ji-yeon was impressed that she was able to see the asymmetry in detail with 3D-CT imaging system in our clinic.
Ji-yeon had her first consultation with one of our coordinators. The coordinator briefly went over the overall surgical process and the type of anesthesia that will be used. After the consultation with the coordinator, Ji-yeon had consultation with the doctors. First she discussed the outcome she wanted with double eyelid surgery. She was already aware of our Magic Epicanthoplasty, so she decided to have epicanthoplasty, and a double eyelid procedure.
Then she had a consultation with Dr. Kang Euntaek. Dr. Kang showed the image from 3D-CT photography, and explained everything in a manner that even a non professional can understand. Ji-yeon was grateful for Dr. Kang's attentiveness, and attention to detail.

These are the pictures Ji-yeon took right after the surgery. She admitted, it wasn't comfortable. However, she was looking forward to see what she would look like after the recovery.

This is Ji-yeon after one week. Patients who had facial contouring cant have chewable food for a while. She was surprised the swollenness had subsided earlier than expected. The elastic bandage around her face is for the purpose of preventing sagging of the cheeks. It also helps reducing swelling faster.

This is Ji-yeon, three weeks after the surgery! She was surpised the swollenness had gone away so soon. None of her friends recognized her, and they were impressed with the change they saw in Ji-yeon's appearance.

This is Ji-yeon one month after the surgery. She was very happy to have decided to go through the makeover. She is very grateful to the work of our surgeons.

This is how Ji-yeon looks now. She is very grateful to have found Migo, our kind staff, and our capable and attentive surgeons.

Ji-yeon's facial contouring, and dull nose correction was done by Dr. Kang. Dr. Kang is a board certified plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience in plastic surgery from having performed more than hundreds of surgeries. He has a published study, titled " Corrective Rhinoplasty for Deviated Nose a new Osteotomy Technique" , and has collaborated on many academic and medical articles. Dr. Kang is currently an adjunct professor in the department of plastic surgery at Ewha Women's University Medical Center.

Here's a brief profile of Dr. Kang:
Bachelor's degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Plastic surgery, Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Medical cooperation for a patient with facial deformation with LA Sriners Hospital
Trained at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Full member, the Korean society of aesthetic plastic surgery
Life member, the Korean society of plastic and reconstructive surgeons
Full member, the Korean cleft palate-craniofacial association
Full member, the Koran association of plastic surgeons
Full member, the International society of plastic and reconstructive surgeons
Ethical committee member of the Korean society of plastic surgeons
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