[Eyes:Blepharoplasty] Pictures of Recovery Process within One Week After the Surgery (non incisional ptosis correction + lateral canthoplasty)

In this post, we are going to present to you the recovery process of a patient who recently had a non incisional ptosis correction (read more at: http://migoclinic.blogspot.hk/2016/01/eyesblepharoplasty-non-incisional_22.html) and lateral canthoplasty (opening the outer corner of the eyes) procedure at Migo. The pictures below will show you how her eyes looked before, and how it changed every two days, up to one week.

before the surgery
right after
2 days after
4 days after
6 days after

1 week after

 As you can see, the patient's recovery was very fast! Her eyes healed almost completely witin one week! We have talked very often about the fast recovery in the previous posts - now you saw it for yourselves.

Dr. Ko, Hanwoong, our in-house surgeon whose specialty is blepharoplasty (upper/lower), and V-line lifting, will consult the patient one by one, and determine the shape and design that will complement and enhance the rest of the face, as well as the best suited surgical method for each individual patient. Dr. Ko is a board certified surgeon with +10 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries. He has published four studies, and is a clinical professor at Korea University Medical School. Dr. Ko regularly attends international medical and academic seminars to keep up with the ever evolving technologies in plastic surgery.

 Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Master’s Degree, Department of Plastic, Korea University
Adjunct Professor Department of Plastic Surgery, Korea University
Life member of Society of Plastic Surgery
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Membership
Plastic Surgery physicians Council member for
Anti-Aging Society Members of Korea
Anti-Aging Society Members of U.S.A
Professor, Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
One’s doctor of 365 Health, KBS

We hope that this post was helpful to you. Please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001),  for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to reply!
