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[Breast Augmentation:Mammoplasty] No Pain and Fast Recovery - Mina's Experience with Breast Augmentation at Migo (Part 1)
In this blogpost of Real Story, we're going to share Mina's experience with endoscopic breast augmentation procedure at Migo.

Mina was always insecure about her small breasts. She would always put extra bra inserts during the summer. Her breast size won't increase even when she gains weight. With the realization that even exercise cannot increase the size of the breasts, Mina gathered courage and decided to go with breast augmentation procedure.
<Consultation Before the Surgery>

She thought that she may be shy discussing about her body with a male surgeon, but she didn't have a moment to be, thanks to Dr. Yoon's personality. Dr. Yoon has assured Mina that the bleeding and the swelling will be minimum with endoscopic breast augmentation due to precise separation of tissues using endoscopy.

Mina's desired size of breasts were C cup. Dr. Yoon has measured the size of Mina's breasts to determine which volume will look most natural on her while achieving the desired size. Dr. Yoon has also shown Mina different types of implant materials. Between smooth and textured cohesive gel implants, Mina has decided to go with cohesive gel implant.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Mina's experience with endoscopic breast augmentation at Migo!
We hope that sharing Mina's experience was helpful to you.
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