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[Breast Augmentation: Mammoplasty] Revisional Breast Augmentation Using HD Endoscopic Camera
Revisional surgery procedures are always more complex, and requires more experience and expertise of the surgeon. Correct diagnosis of the problem is required to determine the right surgical method for each case, and to render a more desirable effect. In this blogpost, we will show you the concerns that can be helped by revisional surgery, as well as the methods and procedures being used.

You may consider revisional breast augmentation if you:
are not satisfied with the size of the breasts : Most patients get revisional surgery for this reason. It is relatively simple to replace the size of the implant.
are not satisfied with the shape of the implants: This can be corrected by changing the size of the pocket for the implant, or the shape of the material. At times, it becomes more complicated when the pocket is not created properly in the first place.
want to improve the texture of the breasts: Patients who have had saline implants often fit this case. This can be improved by replacing the saline implant with cohesive gel implant.
have rupture or leakage of the implant: The ruptured or leaked implant will be removed and replaced with new ones. If you have gotten cohesive gel implants previously, the revisional surgery procedure will be simple, because they are easy to remove and replace.
had mastectomy one one or both breasts.
have breasts that are not fully developed due to congenital issues.

The chart below presents the process of a revisional surgery:

Revisional breast augmentation surgeries can also be done with fat grafted from autologous tissues (tissues derived from the patients' body). There are two main areas where the tissues can be derived from to be used for this purpose:
from abdominal tissue: can reduce the size of the abdomen simultaneously, since saggy tissue from the part is being used.
from hip or back tissue: recommended for the patients who have no sufficient abdominal tissue, or those who are planning on childbirth.

There are a few things that makes the procedure more simple, faster with less pain and recovery time at Migo:
Fast recovery and no to minimal pain with endoscopic breast augmentation: The pocket for the implant is created using high definition endoscopic camera for precise separation of the tissues, which leads to minimal bleeding, pain, and hardening of the tissue after the surgery.
No need for blood bag after the surgery: precise separation of the tissues via high definition endoscopy camera enables least amount of damage of the tissues, so there is no to minimal bleeding. Since there is no bleeding, there is no need to wear an external blood bag.
Safe, painless anesthesia with the least amount of drug: Blocking intercoastal nerve allows the minimal usage of the drug. This prevents and minimizes the chances of complications caused by anesthesia
No need for stitch removal: There will be no to minimal scarring, because the incision is closed with dissolvable thread and with bio compatible adhesive.
Free ultrasonography checkup prior to, and the surgery
Revisional breast augmentation surgeries at Migo are done by Dr. Yoon, Wonjune. Dr. Yoon is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in mammoplasty, who has honed his skill in the field for more than 17 years. He is always in search of more innovative and safe method of surgeries.
Dr. Yoon is an active member of several Korean and International academic and medical societies. He gives lectures to physicians throughout Korea and overseas. The importance he put in safety of procedures, and his extensive experience in mammoplasty delivers satisfactory results to his patients.

Brief Profile and Credentials of Dr. Yoon, Won June:
Bachelor's degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Adjunct Profession, School of Medicine, Ajou University
Member, the USA Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Executive Drector, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Listed Director, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Lifetime Member, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Full Member, the Korean society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Full Member, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Mediator of the Korea Consumer Agency
Editing Member of the Archives of Plastic Surgery
Operation Committee Member of the Breast Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
Operation Committee Member of the Fat Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
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