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[Academic/Medical Event] Dr. Teddy O.H. Prasetyono visits Migo Clinic
As Korean plastic surgical techniques are becoming popular, and the knowledge, and expertise of Korean surgeons gain more credibility world wide, there are many visiting surgeons to Korea to learn the advanced technique of Korean plastic surgical procedures.
Dr. Yoon has previously visited Indonesia to participate in the 7th Indonesian Clinical Training and Education Center's Aesthetic Update: "Innovation In Facial, Breast, and Abdominal Countring" as a guest speaker. This time, Dr. Teddy O.H. Prasetyono has visited Migo Clinic in Seoul, Korea to observe a breast augmentation surgery procedure performed by Dr. Yoon Won June.
It was a great opportunity for Dr. Yoon to return the hospitality and warmth he received during his visit in Indonesia.

Dr. Teddy O.H. Prasetyono is a co-founder of the Indonesian Association of Plastic, Reconstrutive, and Aesthetic Surgery (INAPRAS), and the Indonesian Society of Reconstructive Medicine (ISREMI) as well as a member of several well recognized international organizations such as EXCO IPRAS (International Federation of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery), ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Asian Pacific Federation of Societies for Reconstructive Medicine (APFSRM) , and the International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ISPRES).

Dr. Yoon Won June is a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in mammoplasty, who has honed his skill in the field for more than 17 years. He is always in search of more innovative and safe method of surgeries.
Dr. Yoon is an active member of several Korean and International academic and medical societies. He gives lectures to physicians throughout Korea and overseas. The importance he put in safety of procedures, and his extensive experience in mammoplasty delivers satisfactory results to his patients.

Brief Profile and Credentials of Dr. Yoon, Won June:
Bachelor's degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Ewha Womans University Medical Center
Adjunct Profession, School of Medicine, Ajou University
Member, the USA Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Executive Drector, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Listed Director, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Lifetime Member, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Full Member, the Korean society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Full Member, the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons
Mediator of the Korea Consumer Agency
Editing Member of the Archives of Plastic Surgery
Operation Committee Member of the Breast Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
Operation Committee Member of the Fat Plastic Surgery Research Society of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons.
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