[Social Event] Dr. Kang, and Dr. Ko at KBS Actors and Actresses Society New Year's Eve Party

Migo Clinic is a designated hospital for actors and actresses of KBS. KBS (Korea Broadcasting System) is a broadcasting network that is home of many popular K-dramas and K-Pop music shows. Dr. Kang and Dr. Ko were invited to a New Year's Eve party hosted by KBS Actors and Actresses Society.







 Dr. Ko and Dr. Kang with an actor and two actresses from KBS

 Dr. Kang and Dr. Ko at the event

Our surgeons' expertise, respect for features that makes one unique, and the meticulous care they put into the safety of each procedure has enabled us to be partners with KBS. It was a great opportunity for our surgeons to socialize, and get feedbacks from the actors and actresses of KBS.

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