[Nose:Rhinoplasty] Rhinoplasty for Men

In this post, we will present Migo Clinic's unique method of rhinoplasty for men, and how it is different from rhinoplasty for women.


남자의 자존심을 높이다. 남자코성형. 미간부터 코 끝까지 곧게! 3D-CT 정밀진단과 정교한 시술로, 남성미를 업그레이드 해드립니다.


 Candidates who can benefit from this procedure are:

코가 낮아 높아지기를 원하는 낮은코, 복코의 경우, 콧볼이 넓어 세련된 느낌이 없는경우, 콧대가 튀어나와 인상이 강해보이는 메부리코, 운동중다치거나 외상으로 코가 휘어진 ㄴ경우, 얼굴에 비해 코가 작거나 커서 비율이 맞지 않은 경우

As with rhinoplasty for women, the type of procedure that will be done is determined by the existing conditions. The conditions that can be altered or improved by male rhinoplasty include:

Aquiline (hooked) nose

Bulbous nose

Disproportionately long or short nose bridge

Disproportionately large nose wing

Deviated nose resulted from exercising or an accident

The surgical method will differ by the existing condition. Dr. Kang will diagnose and determine the appropriate type and method of procedure, customized based on the patient's need.

Our 3D-CT imaging system allows Dr. Kang to make precise diagnosis to correct the existing problem.

As shown in the picture below, there is a difference in the desired result between male and female rhinoplasty.

<desirable outcome in male rhinoplasty>

남성의 경우: 미간에서부터 일직선으로 쭉 뻗는 남성스러운 직선라인. 코끝과 인중사이의 각도 90-95도로 여자보다 작은 각도

Rhinoplasty at Migo is performed by Dr. Kang Eun Taek. Dr. Kang is a board certified plastic surgeon, who has extensive experience in rhinoplasty from having performed more than hundreds of surgeries. He has a published study, titled " Corrective Rhinoplasty for Deviated Nose a new Osteotomy Technique" , and has collaborated on many academic and medical articles. Dr. Kang is currently an adjunct professor in the department of plastic surgery at Ewha Women's University Medical Center.

성형외과 전문의 강은택

Here is a brief profile and credentials of Dr. Kang, Eun Taek

 Bachelor's Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Adjunct Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Ewha Womans University Medical Center

Participated in a medical cooperation for a patient with facial deformation with LA Shriners Hospital
Trained at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Full Member, the Korean Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Life Member, the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Full Member, the Korean Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
Full Member, the Koran Association of Plastic Surgeons
Full Member, the International Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
Ethical Committee Member of the Korean Society of Plastic Surgeons


We hope that this article was helpful to you in finding out more about rhinoplasty for men. Please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001),  for any questions and comments regarding this post. We will be here to reply!
