[Eyes:Blepharoplasty] Revisional Upper Blepharoplasty

We bet there are many people out there who are looking for information on revisional blepharoplasty (plastic surgery on the eyelid) due to many reasons including dissatisfying results, asymetrical shape, unnatural outcome or droopy eyelids. It is easy to think that blepharoplasty is a simple and quick procedure, especially since it has become so common. However, being the most important part of the face, the eyes are also an area where it requires the most precision, concentration and elaborate work.

만족스러운 눈매완성 눈재수술. 재수술은 미고에서 끝! 10년이상의 노하우를 가진 전문의가 불만족스러운부분을 개선합니다.

Blepharoplasty takes up the highest percentage among the plastic surgery procedures that are being done. It is also a type of revisional surgerie done most frequently, because many take it as a simple and easy procedure.

  • 수술시간:약1시간

  • 마취방법:국소,수면

  • 입원여부:당일퇴원

  • 실밥제거:7일

  • 회복기간:5-7일

  • It is especially more important to find a clinic that specializes in plastic surgery when searching for a surgeon or a place to get a revisional surgery. It is crucial to find a surgeon who is capable of determining the causes and states of unstisfactory outcome resulted from the previous surgery. Blepharoplasty is not only going to affect the appearance, but also affects the function of the eyes. This is another  vital reason why one must seek an experienced and skilled surgeon. Only then, will you be able to get a satisfactory result.

    쌍꺼풀 수술 후 라인을 변경하고 싶은경우, 좌우 비대치일 경우, 붓기가 안빠지고 라인이 두꺼운눈(소시지눈), 수술후 쌍꺼풀이풀린경우, 라인이 커보이고 졸려보이는 경우, 수술후 흉터가 크거나 선명하게 보이는 경우

    We understand how hard it must have been, if you have suffered with an unsatisfactory result, or unwanted after effects from the previous surgery. We will help you end your agony caused by the previous surgery gone wrong.

    Dr. Ko, Han Woong, our in-house surgeon whose specialty is in the eyes and V-line lifting, will consult the patient one by one, and will determine the shape and design that will compliment and enhance the rest of the face, as well as the best suited surgical method for each individual patient.


    Dr. Ko is a board certified surgeon with +10 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries. He has published four studies, and is a clinical professor at Korea University Medical School. Dr. Ko regularly attends international medical and academic seminars to keep up with the ever evolving technologies in plastic surgery.

    Please leave comments in the comment box below, or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001),  if you have any questions regarding revisional blepharoplasty discussed on this post. We will be here to reply!
