[Body Contouring:Liposuction] No to Minimal Rebound by Sufficient Removal of Fat Cells - Liposuction

Liposuction procedures at Migo remove sufficient amount of fat cells to prevent recurrence. We apply the procedure from multiple angles for smooth and even surface of the skin.      

Areas that can be benefited by liposuction procedures include:

Cheeks, double chin, back, arms, waist, inner/outer thigh, knees, calves.

With liposuction procedures at Migo, you get:

01. significant difference in the results

Liposuction procedures at Migo selectively destroys subcutaneous fat cells without damaging surrounding structure for a significant difference in the results.

02. safe procedure

With Migo's own safety system, our clinic has been free of medical accidents in 18 years.

03. customized procedure for each part

The parts that can be benefited from liposuction are selected with accurate analysis for customization.

04. minimal chances of rebound

Sufficient amount of fat cells are suctioned to prevent rebound.

05. firm body contour

Selective suctioning of fat cells help retaining firmness for an ideal body shape.

Liposuction procedures at Migo are performed by Dr. Ko Hanwoong. Dr. Ko will consult the patient one by one, and determine the shape and design that meets the patients' needs while choosing the best design that compliments their physique. In this process he will also find the best suited surgical method for each individual patient. He is a board certified surgeon with +10 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries. He has published four studies, and is a clinical professor at Korea University Medical School. Dr. Ko regularly attends international medical and academic seminars to keep up with the ever evolving technologies in plastic surgery.


Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
Master’s Degree, Department of Plastic, Korea University
Adjunct Professor Department of Plastic Surgery, Korea University
Life member of Society of Plastic Surgery
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Membership
Plastic Surgery physicians Council member for
Member of Anti-Aging Society Korea
Member of Anti-Aging Society U.S.A
Professor, Bachelor’s Degree, School of Medicine, Korea University
 Advisor of 365 Health, KBS

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