[Testimonial] Took Care of Two Concerns at Once with V-fix Facelift

"It's been one month since I got the V-fix lifting done. I've done it mostly for the nasolabial folds. I was worried about the swelling after the surgery, but it was mostly gone by a week later so I had no problem functioning in day to day life. I wasn't so sure about the result, but when I compare the photos I've taken in the past and the ones I take recently, my face look so much slimmer than before with the V-line. It save me a lot of time from photoshopping my selfies! It is so nice to get only one surgery done, and take care of two concerns at the same time." - Lili

The V-fix Facelift procedure mentioned in this post was performed by Dr. Ko Hanwoong. He is a board certified surgeon with +10 years of experience in performing plastic surgeries. He has published four studies, and is a clinical professor at Korea University Medical School. Dr. Ko regularly attends international medical and academic seminars to keep up with the ever evolving technologies in plastic surgery.


Masters Degree, Department of Plastic, Korea University

Adjunct Professor Department of Plastic Surgery, Korea University

Life member of Society of Plastic Surgery

Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Membership

Plastic Surgery physicians Council member for

Member of Anti-Aging Society Korea

Member of Anti-Aging Society U.S.A

Professor, School of Medicine, Korea University

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