[Patient Diary] Mouth Corner Lift (1 Month Later)

Mouth corner lift (also known as "smile lift") is a niche procedure that is only performed in Korea. It is a simple procedure that takes little time, yet the change it makes is quite dramatic. It's an excellent add-on  for age corrective procedures, such as facelifts and filler injections. We've seen that many are curious, yet little information is available on this procedure. With the agreement from a satisfied patient, we decided to share her recovery progress. This post will include pictures of the patient taken from right after, and two weeks after the surgery.

<Right After the Surgery>

<1 Month Later>

Do you see how the corners are lifted naturally? Who could ever tell she had any kind of work done.

For any questions and comments, please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001). We will be here to reply!
