[Patient Diary] Endoscopic Breast Augmentation (3 Months Later)

In this series of blogposts of Patient Diary, we're going to share the recovery progress of a patient who had a breast augmention via endoscopic method. The implants used in this procedure were cohesive-gel type, inserted by transauxilary method.This post will present pictures taken three months later after the surgery.

<3 Months Later>

As we mentioned in the previous post, the reason why we post the pictures of the armpit is because the incision is made in the area. It is the best place as it is one of the least exposed place in the body. The scar is getting thinner and less noticeable every day. You may use scar thinning ointment or cream to help the healing process.



Can you see the texture? Cohesive gel implants don't only render realistic appearance - they are soft to touch like real breast tissues. Don't worry if it has been two months after the surgery, and your breasts are still hard - two months is around the time when the tissues start to soften.

For any questions and comments, please leave comments in the comment box below, email us (migoclinic.korea@gmail.com), or contact us at WhatsApp (+82 10 5410 1001). We will be here to reply!
